Take yourself on Safari…

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together African Proverb

Kindly note that the pdf files in the SAFARI RESERVATION and the INVITATION LETTERS are both possible to fill online and submit online.

Pre-arrival Forms Information:

In order to bring your rifles into South-Africa you will need to have in your possession several important papers upon your arrival.

Make sure your rifles is registered with a government body and that you poses a legal license or owners card indicating legal ownership of the rifle. Apart from these legal documents, you need to go to a Police department, the right official will inspect your rifle with your rifle permits and licenses, then this Police Department will issue you another document to travel with, you will need this document in South Africa.

NOTE:  You are not allowed to bring over a fully automatic rifle, a semi automatic rifle, a handgun for self defense nor a weapon that falls under military categories.  Also there is a maximum per person of a total of 4 firearms and no more than 1 of the same caliber.  A maximum of 200 round of ammunition per caliber.  All ammunition must be packed in the checked on luggage separate from the rifle. Make sure you rifle is packed in a strong and safe case.

Travel & Entry Requirements:

  • You Passport need to have at least two blank pages.
  • The Passport need to be valid over your traveling time, with a 30 day clearance after the safari dates.
  • The registered name on the passport must match the name on the ticket, which is especially important for double names or long names.
  • Please note that certain countries are exempt from applying for a VISA, but still need a passport. These also changes from time to time as needed by different countries. please ensure yourself about traveling regulations, terms and conditions, normally a reputable travel agency will be able to assist you in all these matters. Countries like but not limited to can be Austria, Germany, Swiss,  Sweden, Polish, Belgium and Hungarian citizens who wish to go to South Africa for tourism and holiday purposes only, for the period of 90 days or less are exempted from visa requirements. The passport holder must be in possession of a return air ticket or onward going ticket. The passport must be valid for a period of at least 30 days after the planned departure from South Africa. One blank visa page is required when a person reports to a port of entry. Non-compliance will result in refusal of admission to South Africa.

Kindly visit the following internet page and familiarize yourself with information that you might need.

General Information


VISA Requirements:


No irregular bags are allowed as check in luggage at the airport for South Africa, this is bags like duffel bags, or bags with large straps. 

Fire arms and Ammunition:

The procedure for importation of rifles and ammunition is in general easy and straight forward… it will took approximately 20 minutes at the airport in South-Africa. You can read more on our web-site and also on the PHASA web-site www.phasa.co.za PHASA (Professional Hunters Association of South-Africa) ask a small fee related to assist with pre-import permits. Red Ivory Safaris will also assist you in this with your paper work and with documents at the airport and is not a necessity.

  • Make sure your airline will transport your hunting rifles, as some airlines don’t. All Holes in your gun case had to be fitted with a strong lock, see
    photos below
  • Upon booking you flight, report your intention of traveling with hunting rifles to destination.
  • No military type of rifle will be allowed or any automatic type style rifles will be allowed.
  • Make sure from your airline about regulations regarding transport of rifles including ammunition.
  • On our web-site on the “Forms” page you will find the “Invitation Letter” down load it and fill it in.
  • Sent our office the following copies, in order to assist you…
    • The “Invitation Letter” that you had down loaded and filled out.
    • Copy of your airline ticket.
    • Copy of ownership/license card of each rifle.
    • Copy of your Passport.
    • Download the SAP 520 document on our web-site and fill as instructions indicate, (Black pen only)
    • Send us the Safari Reservation “form that you need to download and sent us from our “Forms Page”.
  •  On your arrival at the airport, make sure you have all the above documents at hand for use at the Airport Police Station.

For trophies that might need CITES import or export permits please either go to our Links page for further information or use our Contact Us page to inquire of  specific countries or animals.

Book Now – The wild calls, and your journey begins

Our pristine wilderness awaits, and the forms are ready. Let’s weave your story – one form field at a time.